Guam’s tourism industry is the backbone of our island economy. In the 50+ years since its inception, it has never evolved as rapidly as it has over the last several years. Diversifying markets and increasing flights have enabled Guam to benefit from record visitor arrivals and exponential growth in the tourism industry. However, with the global pandemic forcing tourism dependent destinations to evolve, it is an absolute necessity to reimagine and reinvigorate Guam’s unique island identity.
As destinations around the world vie for tourism markets to return, Guam can no longer depend solely on its beaches and natural beauty. Now is the time to reinvest in the one thing that makes us unique... our culture. The allure of a 4000-year-old culture immersed in an island paradise, established the rise of tourism for our island over half a century ago. As we strive to recover from the global pandemic, we believe that bringing Guam back to our distinct cultural beginnings will be the most effective way to carry us forward.
In the 1990s, private and public investment brought forth the creation of a new attraction for our visiting markets. On July 2, 1999 the grand opening of “Pleasure Island” was announced bringing in over 105,000 visitors for that month alone. The success of “Pleasure Island” was attributed to the unique attractions contained within the district.
However, since its official launch in 1999, there has been no significant destination development or investment into new attractions for the island since. When the Guam Museum was constructed and officially opened in 2016, it provided an added value amenity to the Guam experience but not a true marketing draw to motivate visitors and locals to travel to the destination.
To develop an immersive destination environment that encourages the preservation of the Chamorro culture through education, technology, entertainment and activities. We want to establish more impactful interactions between our children, our values and our traditions through a technologically advanced island experience.

A cultural home for all
to learn and play,
by living in the Spirit of
Håfa Adai!
Håfa Adaiu

..this is the greeting our ancestors used as they walked on the very land that you and I share today. Our island is blessed to have inherited a 4,000 year-old culture rooted in values that still run deep to this day.
From our responsibility in prutehi i tano’ta to the practicing of inafamaolek, the people of Guam strive to carry these values through the test of time.
However, with a rapidly evolving world driven by technology and a more globalized desire for knowledge.
We must as they say go…

Guam is an island paradise filled with lush hålom tano (jungles), mountains and animal life all surrounded by the vast blue waters of the great Pacific. But these gifts are not what make it unique.
It is our culture, and the people that perpetuate this culture that truly set Guam apart.

Through the years our island has experienced colonization, invasions, occupations and war. Yet through all these trials and struggles our culture, although tested, continues to live on. This is the true testament to the Chamorro people and their pride in living the spirit of Håfa Adai.

“Back to our roots” what better place to look for inspiration as we reimagine our island, reimagine our society and reimagine our lives. As our culture ages so to do we grow and age. This is why i famagunta, our children, are truly the key to our islands future.
In order for our Culture to live on, we must first inspire our children
to LEARN from it..
to LIVE in it..
and to SHARE it.
Welcome to the
Tåno i Famagu'on
The land of the children
Guam’s first cultural smart park. A land immersed in our culture, amplified by modern technology, designed for the future, and rooted in our past.
Guasåli Fountain
Set foot into a land inspired by the imagination our children created for our children. From i tåno, i tåsi, i aire, every step made here will be immersed in the Chamorro culture.
Begin your hinånao (journey) with a gentle walk into the heart of the park. A beautiful fountain, playfully sharing streams of clean hånom to cool our hot days.
Gupot Garden
After you’ve cooled your spirits, take a stroll to the nearby gardens, and surround yourself with the beautiful and healing flora of our land, used by our precious suruhånas.
Guma Grounds
After you’ve cooled your spirits, take a stroll to the nearby gardens, and surround yourself with the beautiful and healing flora of our land, used by our precious suruhånas.
Tenda Town
While you enjoy captivating legends passed down by our ancestors, set your gaze upon Guam’s most culturally unique attraction. The flying proa towering over the entire park for all to marvel and admire. Here is where you’ll find the opportunity to enjoy local cuisine, entertainment and pieces of Guam made by our people.
Funagu'on Field
After enjoying delicious cuisine and entertainment with your family and friends, take some time to allow your inner child to immerse in the many attractions found in our island’s first culturally inspired playground. A field overflowing with cultural icons, activities and new experiences.
Metgot Mezzanine
After enjoying delicious cuisine and entertainment with your family and friends, take some time to allow your inner child to immerse in the many attractions found in our island’s first culturally inspired playground. A field overflowing with cultural icons, activities and new experiences.
Kottura Center
We invite you to ekungok (listen) to the enchanting voices and mesmerizing movements of our masters of song and dance. Immerse yourself in the Chamorro practices of storytelling, cooking, music, smithing and so much more in Guam’s first ever Cultural Center!
But this is only the beginning of our journey back to the heart of the Chamorros.
This is our cultural home for all to learn and play.
This is how we live in the spirit of Håfa Adai
Tano i Famagu'on

Guasali Fountain

Gupot Garden

Guma Grounds